News Not To Be Missed

We Now Offer a Content Delivery Network!

If elected, all of our hosting customers will now be routed through an intelligent global network optimized for the fastest content delivery possible. This is sometimes calledgraphic cloudflare

a Content Delivery Network and it is essentially the same kind of system that the mega-sites use to stay online and to remain fast, despite network outages. Think Amazon, eBay and

cloudflarelogoCloudFlare automatically optimizes the delivery of your site's pages so your visitors experience the fastest page load times and best performance, in addition to blocking threats and limiting abusive bots and crawlers from eating up your bandwidth and server resources. This means that CloudFlare-powered websites see a significant improvement in performance and a decrease in spam and other attacks.


CloudFlare's system improves as the community of users grows. The system is designed to scale with the goal in mind of helping power and protect the entire Internet.


We are offering this feature on all of our hosting accounts with no additional monthly fees or setup costs. For our legacy customers who have been hosting with us for several years or more, we will be retrofitting their hosting accounts with Cloudflare over the next few months. We plan on having all accounts configured by February 2015. Note that if we do not have the registrar login information for a certain domain, we will not be able to install CloudFlare on that domain.



Contact us for more information or to get your Free Quote today!